Our story
I am Yva. A mom of 3 beautiful children; Noa, Beau and Quinn, and also a very proud owner of 3 beautiful Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Together we want to share our story with you.
It all began 7 years ago. I was studying for my Master of Veterinary Sciences. I've always been surrounded by dogs. In my childhood we grew up with the Berner Sennen. Very sweet dogs! But...
During my study I've saw the Ridgeback for the first time. I fell in love with this breed, head over heels!
I started reading about it, talked with different breeders and a couple of owners, and was learning more and more every day about this amazing dogs. After two years of research and 15 books further I was determined; this would become my new life goal!
I bought my first Ridgeback in 2015 with all my savings during university. We named her 'Zyra'. She was our new babygirl. Our proud! The years that followed has been with ups and downs. As well with Zyra, as well in my personal life. I discovered how it really is to have a ridgeback in your life. And I can confirm that all the things you read about this breed is completely true! They really are a soulmate for life! Nowadays, I can't imagine a day without my Rhodesian Ridgeback(s) by my side.
In 2019 I decided to start my breeding adventure. I came in contact with a very experienced lady and she helped me with this amazing journey. My first litter gave us our 'Aboe'; a very beautiful, sweet but also a little bit insecure guy. My second proud! I wouldn't miss him for the world!
In 2021 we decided to let Zyra enjoy from her retirement and bought ourselves, and Aboe, a new friend. We named her 'Pua'. We went all the way to France to go get her. Pua is such a sweet girl and everybody's friend! Aboe and Pua are already best friends and play a lot together. In the future, we hope, they will be the perfect couple and make a lot of beautiful babies.
Unfortunately, we needed to say goodbye to our dear sweet Zyra :'( In September 2022 she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone-cancer). A cancer where they (in 90% of the cases) can't recover from :'( We did everything we could to give her the best time she had left. But in february 2023 it went very fast. She was only getting worse. That was the time we needed to make a very hard decision... :'( I hope she can run (pain)free now somewhere across the rainbow-bridge. Till we meet again my sweetheart!
IN LOVING MEMORY of ZYRA °11/07/2015 - +25/02/2023
I want to breed dogs in the best way that is possible (as far as my opinion is concerned), with the best care and all the love I have to give. I will assist all my puppies and their new owners through their entire life if necessary. I will help them to enjoy this breed and life together the way I do and I won't settle for less!
Welcome to our little Rhodesian Ridgeback family!